how wearing jewelry can boost your confidence

How Wearing Jewelry Can Boost Your Confidence


Have you ever been feeling a little low, and then you put on your favorite necklace, and suddenly you just feel a little happier? There’s something about a treasured piece of jewelry that can really boost your confidence.

Maybe it’s the memories that come along with it. Maybe it’s the little extra bling that adds some extra sparkle to your day. Or maybe it’s the added boost of knowing you’re right on trend with the latest fashions.

Read on for three sure ways that wearing jewelry can boost your confidence.

1. Wearing Jewelry Can Boost Your Confidence through a Personal Touch

how wearing jewelry can boost your confidence

When you choose your accessories, you probably choose them because of some kind of personal connection, whether that’s a certain color, style, or even sentiment. Your jewelry is a direct reflection of who you are. That means when you wear your jewelry, you’re showing people a piece of yourself and your personality.

That’s one reason people love to wear birthstone jewelry. It lets others know something about them: “I was born in this month and this is my birthstone.” It’s a sense of pride about who you are as a person, and that creates confidence. 

Another way to add a personal touch to your jewelry is by customizing it. Interchangeable snap jewelry allows you to mix and match colors and styles of snap accents (or what we call Dots) with different Foundations to create your perfect customized look. Nothing says confidence like completely customized accessories!

2. Wearing Jewelry Can Boost Your Confidence by Starting Conversations

how jewelry can boost your confidence

Have you ever had someone compliment your jewelry, then go one step further and ask you about it? It feels good, right? That’s what we call confidence-building jewelry! When someone not only takes the time to tell you they like your jewelry, but also wants to know where you got it or the story behind it, then you know you’re doing something right.

What kind of jewelry does this? It might be jewelry that tells a story about you, like one of our Story interchangeable Dots with an ocean wave or dragonfly. Or maybe it’s a necklace with an Abalone shell that grabs someone’s attention. But whatever it is, that little boost that says “you’re wearing something that’s so cool; I want to know more about it” always feels good.

3. Wearing Jewelry Can Boost Your Confidence by Keeping You On-Trend

Every season, the trendsetters and fashion houses tell everyone what’s going to be in style for the next several months, and that includes jewelry. If staying trendy helps your confidence, then wearing on-trend accessories is an easy way to boost your confidence!

how wearing jewelry can boost your confidence

One of the biggest trends right now is layered necklaces and bracelets. There aren’t a lot of rules around this trend, except finding a selection of delicate chains and necklaces, and then layering them in different lengths and even finishes (mixed metals is a trend too!). 

Another big trend is pearls. Pearls are everywhere! But not your grandmother’s pearls; these are modern pearls that have been created in gold and silver settings. Pearls that you can style as easily with jeans and a t-shirt as dresses. 

Keeping up on jewelry trends is easy; follow our blog for the latest in jewelry fashion or just Google “jewelry trends [season] [year]” to find out what’s happening.

Wearing jewelry doesn’t have to be a chore! And it’s a super easy way to give your confidence a little boost.

For more confidence-boosting accessories, check out


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